

Hello, my name is Anvaqta Tangguh Wisesa, you can call me Wisesa or Esa for short. Yes, i changed my nickname haha, if you're my school/college friend you maybe know me as Vaq or Anvaq but that's ok, you can call me anything you want as long as it's my name and not someone else wkw.

I grew up in a small village located in Grobogan, Jawa Tengah. I'm currently pursuing my Bachelor's degree in Informatics (Computer science) at Telkom University also working as a Software engineer at a start-up called Ketringan Indonesia.

I love exploring tech related stuff. When i was in college i join many community and laboratory to expand my knowledge, I'm member of CCI-Unitel, part of Pramuka Tel-U, and i'm the (ex) lab.assistant of Artificial Intelligence TelU. Also, I joined many competition such as Competitive programming, UI/UX Design, and Hackathon.

Outside of software developing thingy, I love playing and listening music. I can (barely) play some music instruments like guitar, ukulele, and drum. Also, I love cycling (almost) every weekend.


Several tools that I used (and currently learning how to use it)

Pro tip: hover to see what it means.

Programming tools
Operating system
Other services/Software


I’m always excited to connect with everyone so please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me by following my social media bellow:

Also, you can read my resume here. Anyway, thanks for visiting my profile :)

©2021 Anvaqta Tangguh Wisesa. All Rights Reserved.